


令和3年1月13日Jan. 13, 2021

お客様各位 Dear customers

支店長 ムハマド エミル アズハリ
Bank Negara Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk.Tokyo Branch
General Manager
Muhamad Emil Azhary


店舗の営業時間の変更について Change of Office Business Hours



In response to the recent spread of coronavirus infection, Japanese Government issued “State of Emergency” on Jan. 7th. In light of this situation, we have given top priority to the safety of customers and employees and have decided to shorten our office business hours below. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1. 当店店舗の営業時間
   (1) 現在: 09:00~15:00
   (2) 変更後:09:00~12:00
  Our Office Business Hours
   (1) Current: 09:00~15:00
   (2) After Change: 09:00~12:00
2. 営業時間の変更の実施日
  Date of change of business hours
  January 18, 2021 (Monday)
3. 店舗の営業時間短縮の中止時期については当店ホーム・ページ及び店頭にてお知らせいたします。
  We will inform you about the timing of the cancellation of this shortening office business hours on our home page and branch office entrance.